
Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf
Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf

Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf

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Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf

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Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf

These analysts freely employed irrationalist terms similar to, but not identical with, that of traditional military wisdom.


Yet if we look closely at the publications of the civilian analysts, and their debates at professional symposia and conferences, rather than the rhetoric of scientific authority with which they assailed the old regime, the terms in which they described their techniques of gaming and simulation were a modernist irrationalism that stressed the primacy of intuition, insight, discretion and artistry. In the 1950s, US civilian defense analysts forcibly challenged the institutional dominance of senior military officers with the argument that, since seasoned experience of waging conventional war was irrelevant to future war planning, the traditionalists no longer enjoyed a defensible basis for their authority, for it was neither scientific nor rational. Seemingly irrational phenomena, such as the persistence of lethal duelling, had perfectly pragmatic elements. Considerable intellectual effort and ingenuity were invested into attempts to understand reality and formulate corresponding realistic simulations, making these ludic artefacts reflective, sometimes iconic for, and occasionally ahead of their historical-cultural context. The analysis shows that our ancestors’ perception of the reality of fighting chan-ged over time, as their interpretations of reality for the world at large changed. We provide an analytical framework for evaluating historical precedents in fight simulations by focussing on two key questions: What was the philosophy guiding the conception of reality – in particular, did historical practitioners see reality as deterministic, and if not, how did they see it? And how did the simulations deal with the elements of quantity, quality, timing, and information? The non-lethal simulated training of lethal reality, whether it be single combat or war, was historically a question of life and death.

Warhammer ancient battles art of war pdf